Bonny Ibhawoh is professor in the department of history and the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University.
Before this appointment, Ibhawoh was assistant professor of international human rights at the University of North Carolina while on leave from his position as a lecturer in history and international development studies at Edo State University, Nigeria. He was the Izaak Walton Killam Scholar at Dalhousie University in Canada, where he taught courses in African history, and a visiting research fellow and consultant to the Danish Center for Human Rights, Copenhagen. From 1996 to 1998 he was an associate member of the Center for African Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His research interest is the cultural dimension of international human rights, and his work has appeared in Human Rights Quarterly and the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights.
Ibhawoh received his M.A. in 1994 from the Univeristy of Ibadan, Nigeria, and is currently a Ph.D candidate in African history at Dalhousie University.
Featured Work
MAR 25, 2002 • Article
Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2, No. 7 (Winter 2002): Integrating Human Rights and Peace Work: Articles: Taking the Reconciliatory Route
Ivana Vuco describes the need for flexible human rights strategies in the search for peace and justice in the fragile democracy of Nigeria. Bonny Ibhawoh ...