Brian Mateo is deputy director of programs and partnerships at Carnegie Council.
Mateo has over 14 years of leadership experience in higher education, both domestic and international. As an associate dean of civic engagement at Bard College, he worked with over 40 university and research institutions worldwide through the Open Society University Network (OSUN) on curriculum development, integrating programs, strategic management, student initiatives, and topics such as civic engagement, climate education, and refugee access to higher education. Mateo teaches courses on: Civic Engagement and Social Action and on Ethical Leadership.
He has experience working with public diplomacy programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State on U.S. foreign policy and has cultivated an alumni base of over 100 scholars from 59 countries. Mateo is also a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Truman National Security Fellow, and a Climate Reality Leader trained under Vice President Al Gore. He is a former Carnegie New Leader, as well.
At Carnegie Council, Mateo focuses on program development, implementation, quality control, evaluation, and team management of the organization's main programmatic areas, including Carnegie Ethics Fellows, Ethics Accelerator, and work with senior fellows. He also works closely with the Council’s Development and Communications teams to build, enhance, and steward partnerships with peer organizations.
Featured Work

MAR 13, 2025 • Video
Moral Dilemmas and Political Tradeoffs in Peacekeeping Operations
In the first event in our Ethics Empowered: Leadership in Practice series, practitioners grapple with critical questions for UN peacekeeping, now and in the future.

JAN 28, 2020 • Podcast
Carnegie New Leaders Interview: Moving Foreign Policy Forward, with Elmira Bayrasli
In discussion with Brian Mateo, a member of the Carnegie New Leaders program, Elmira Bayrasli discusses her work as CEO of Foreign Policy Interrupted, an ...

JAN 28, 2020 • Transcript
Carnegie New Leaders Interview: Moving Foreign Policy Forward, with Elmira Bayrasli
In discussion with Brian Mateo, a member of the Carnegie New Leaders program, Elmira Bayrasli discusses her work as CEO of Foreign Policy Interrupted, an ...

SEP 23, 2019 • Podcast
Solar Dominance + Citizen Action: Solving Climate Change By 2030, with Eban Goodstein
Can new developments in solar technology put the United States on track to produce 50 percent of its energy with renewables by 2030? What global citizen actions ...

SEP 20, 2019 • Article
A Case for Giving Climate Migrants Protected Legal Status
With climate change already affecting vast regions of the planet, Bard College's Brian Mateo makes the case for expanding legal protections for refugees to include ...
SEP 9, 2019 • Podcast
The Climate Reality Project & Environmental Activism, with Brian Mateo
Ahead of the Climate Strike rallies on September 20, Bard College's Brian Mateo discusses the Climate Reality Project, founded by Vice President Al Gore, and how ...

APR 9, 2019 • Article
Ethical Implications of Climate Change for Education
"Education is often tied with privilege and who has access," writes Brian Mateo, assistant dean of civic engagement at Bard College. "Let us not continue ...