Brianna Rosen

Just Security; Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford


Dr. Brianna Rosen is a senior fellow at Just Security and a strategy and policy Fellow at Oxford University's Blavatnik School of Government. She previously served for a decade in the U.S. government, including at the White House National Security Council and Office of the Vice President.

Featured Work

SEP 12, 2024 Article

From Principles to Action: Charting a Path for Military AI Governance

As AI reshapes war's ethical dimensions, stakeholders must work together on greater transparency and governance efforts for this emerging technology, writes Dr. Brianna Rosen.

APR 9, 2024 Video

Algorithms of War: The Use of AI in Armed Conflict

From Gaza to Ukraine, the military applications of AI are fundamentally reshaping the ethics of war. How should policymakers navigate AI’s inherent trade-offs?

MAR 26, 2024 Podcast

When the War Machine Decides: Algorithms, Secrets, and Accountability in Modern Conflict, with Brianna Rosen

Arthur Holland Michel and Oxford's Brianna Rosen discuss the war in Gaza, the U.S. drone program, and algorithmic decisions, transparency, and accountability.