The Right Honourable Chris Patten was a Conservative MP from 1979-1992 and held a number of senior posts. In 1992 he was appointed as the last governor of Hong Kong, and oversaw the handover of the colony to China in 1997. From 2000-2004 he was the European Commissioner for Foreign Relations and is currently chancellor of the University of Oxford.
Featured Work

FEB 7, 2006 • Podcast
Cousins and Strangers: America, Britain, and Europe in a New Century
According to Chris Patten, Europe wants to be a partner to the United States rather than a rival. Meanwhile, America and Europe both need to ...
NOV 14, 2001 • Transcript
The European Union's Foreign Policy: Making a Difference in the World
Chris Patten explains Europe's role in the 21st century and why a multilateralist approach is needed to address "the dark side of globalization."