Christian Barry

Australian National University; Ethics & International Affairs Editorial Board; Global Ethics Fellow Alumnus

Christian Barry is professor of philosophy in the School of Philosophy at the Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS), Australian National University, and co-editor of the Journal of Political Philosophy.

His research focuses on ethical theory, philosophy of action, and international justice. His recent work includes a book with Sanjay Reddy, International Trade and Labour Standards: A Proposal for Linkage (Columbia University Press, 2008), and articles in Philosophy & Public Affairs, Journal of Political Philosophy, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Review of International Studies, International Affairs, and Carnegie Council's journal, Ethics & International Affairs.

His latest book, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility and Agency, (co-authored with Gerhard Øverland) was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016. He currently holds an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant for the project The Ethical Responsiblities of Consumers.

Prior to joining the ANU, Barry was a program officer at Carnegie Council (Justice & the World Economy), and editor of Ethics & International Affairs, a consultant to the Human Development Report Office at the United Nations Development Programme, and a lecturer in politics and international relations at University College Dublin.

He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Columbia University, where he was a fellow at the Center for Law and Philosophy.

Featured Work

SEP 9, 2003 Article

Privatization and GATS: A Threat to Development?

Over a billion people currently lack access to safe water and other basic services. Should these services be privatized? Will the ...

JAN 5, 2003 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Dealing Justly with Debt

On October 27, 2002, former factory worker Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (popularly known as “Lula”) achieved a landslide victory in the Brazilian presidential election. His ...

MAY 8, 2002 Podcast

The Mystery of Capital: Interview with Hernando de Soto

Carnegie Council's Christian Barry follows up with Hernando de Soto on several of the issues he had raised in his Morgenthau Lecture, focusing on questions ...

MAY 8, 2002 Transcript

The Mystery of Capital: Interview with Hernando de Soto

Carnegie Council's Christian Barry follows up with Hernando de Soto on several of the issues he had raised in his Morgenthau Lecture, focusing on questions ...

MAR 6, 2002 Podcast

After September 11: Shifting Priorities for Global Justice (New York Forum #4)

How should nation-states and other actors balance responsibilities to mitigate unnecessary suffering worldwide with obligations to promote security and ensure justice for victims of terrorist ...

MAR 6, 2002 Transcript

After September 11: Shifting Priorities for Global Justice (New York Forum #4)

How should nation-states and other actors balance responsibilities to mitigate unnecessary suffering worldwide with obligations to promote security and ensure justice for victims of terrorist ...

OCT 20, 2001 Article

The Ethics of the "New War" in the Aftermath of 9/11

The U.S.-led coalition against terrorism has begun bombing Taliban targets in Afghanistan. But will this achieve its aims, or merely provoke the terrorists ...

MAY 10, 2001 Transcript

The Contested Terrain of Water Development and Human Rights

Nepalese water expert Dipak Gyawali discusses the role of the human rights movement in contesting dams and other water projects that destroy people's homes and ...