Since 2015, Christine Bader has been director of social responsibility at Amazon.
Previously, Bader was a visiting scholar and lecturer at Columbia University, where she co-taught a course on human rights and business. Bader was also a human rights advisor to BSR (Business for Social Responsibility).
In 2000, Bader joined BP plc and proceeded to work in Indonesia, China, and the UK, managing the human rights impacts of some of the company's largest projects in the developing world. In 2006, she created a part-time pro bono role as advisor to the UN secretary-general's special representative for business and human rights, a role she took up full-time in 2008 until the UN mandate ended in 2011.
Bader has also served as an AmeriCorps member with City Year and a special assistant to former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani's chief of staff and deputy mayor. In addition, she was formerly a nonresident senior fellow with The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University.
Bader serves on the boards of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and The OpEd Project, an initiative to broaden the range of voices in public discourse. She is also a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Bader is the author of The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil.
Featured Work

MAY 22, 2014 • Podcast
Corporations as Agents of Change
Can today's powerful multinational corporations be a force for social good? Should they be, and if so, how should this be implemented? Are they out ...

APR 17, 2014 • Podcast
The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil
How can corporations work to prevent human rights violations on their watch, as well as disasters like the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion? Christine Bader discusses ...
SEP 20, 2010 • Podcast
Forty Years After Friedman: What is the Proper Role of Business in Society?
In 1970 Milton Friedman published an article entitled "The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits." In light of current business problems, such as ...
JUL 16, 2009 • Podcast
The Practical Idealism Project: Stories from the Field
How can you help change the world, and get paid for doing it? Alissa Wilson shares what she learned from interviewing scores of practical idealists, ...
JUN 19, 2009 • Podcast
Interview with Christine Bader
"Increasingly, human rights is the lens through which people view how business impacts them," says Christine Bader, formerly of BP and now Advisor to the ...
MAR 22, 2007 • Podcast
Perspectives from BP and the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Business and Human Rights
This talk was part of the event "Taking Stock of Business and Human Rights: Policies and Practices," cosponsored by the Business and Human Rights Resource ...
MAR 22, 2007 • Transcript
Taking Stock of Business and Human Rights: Policies and Practices
Christine Bader, Joanne Bauer, and David Schilling discuss corporate social responsibility.