Adam Roberts is senior research fellow at the Centre for International Studies at Oxford University's Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also emeritus professor of international relations at Oxford University, and emeritus fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.
Featured Work

FEB 15, 2016 • Podcast
What Went Wrong in the Arab Spring?
In the early days of the Arab Spring, non-violent civil resistance helped topple authoritarian governments in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen. Yet these apparent triumphs were ...

SEP 3, 2014 • Podcast
Legal and Moral International Norms Since 1914
"What lessons has humankind learned from the events of 1914 in Sarajevo? And are there further lessons that we should have learned, but didn't? Have our ...

SEP 3, 2014 • Podcast
Sarajevo Panel Discussion
In this wide-ranging conversation, participants from the Sarajevo Symposium discuss the past, present, and future of the former Yugoslav states with a focus on Bosnia ...
NOV 21, 2013 • Podcast
Symposium at the Scottish Parliament: From War to a Global Ethic
Is it possible to create a global code of ethics? In this Carnegie Council Centennial Symposium at the Scottish Parliament, the panelists discuss Andrew Carnegie's ...
JUN 25, 2013 • Podcast
Sir Adam Roberts on "Democracy, Sovereignty and Terror"
Roberts discusses his book on Sri Lankan statesman Lakshman Kadirgamar, who fought against the terrorism of the Tamil Tigers and was assassinated by them in 2005. ...
DEC 4, 2009 • Podcast
Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to the Present
Should civil resistance be seen as potentially replacing violence completely, or as a phenomenon that operates in conjunction with, and as a modification of, power ...