Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom is Chancellor's Professor of History at the University of California, Irvine and the editor of the Journal of Asian Studies.
Featured Work
JUN 17, 2019 • Podcast
The Crack-Up: A Hundred Years of Student Protests in China, with Jeffrey Wasserstrom
In the latest "Crack-Up" podcast, China expert Jeffrey Wasserstrom discusses the rich history of Chinese student protests. From the May Fourth movement in 1919 to Tiananmen ...

APR 4, 2018 • Podcast
#MeToo in China, with Maura Cunningham and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
China experts Cunningham and Wasserstrom start by talking about the small, mainly campus-based #MeToo campaign in China--to avoid internet censorship young people often use emojis ...

DEC 15, 2016 • Podcast
Risks to U.S.-China Relations Under Trump
Where are U.S.-China relations right now and where are they headed? "I don't think we should give up hope in some way forward. ...
MAR 1, 2016 • Podcast
Human Rights in China with Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Senior Fellow Devin Stewart speaks to scholar Jeffrey Wasserstrom, of University of California, Irvine, about the current state of Chinese media, politics, leadership, and human ...
MAY 7, 2010 • Podcast
China in the 21st Century: Devin Stewart Interviews Jeffrey Wasserstrom
In this lively discussion, topics include China's diversity, its "net nanny" approach to the internet, and why China and the U.S. are more alike ...