Matthew Bishop is the U.S. business editor and New York bureau chief of The Economist. Bishop was previously the magazine's London-based business editor. His book, The Road from Ruin: How to Renew Capitalism and Put America Back on Top, with Michael Green, was published by Crown in February 2010.
Bishop is the author of several Economist special survey supplements, including The Business of Giving, which looks at the industrial revolution taking place in philanthropy; Kings of Capitalism, which anticipated and analyzed the boom in private equity; and Capitalism and its Troubles, an examination of the impact of problems such as the collapse of Enron. He is the author of Essential Economics, the official Economist layperson's guide to economics.
Before joining The Economist, Bishop was on the faculty of the London Business School, where he co-authored three books for the Oxford University Press on subjects ranging from privatization and regulation to corporate mergers.
Bishop has served as a member of the Sykes Commission on the investment system in the 21st Century. He was also on the advisors group of the United Nations International Year of Microcredit 2005. He has been honored as a young global leader by the World Economic Forum.