Deana Arsenian is vice president, international program and program director, Russia and Eurasia at Carnegie Corporation of New York.
From 1983 to 1990, Arsenian worked as a program officer in the Corporation's Avoiding Nuclear War Program. In 1990, she left the Corporation to become the assistant director of the Center for Foreign Policy Development at Brown University, which later merged with the Watson Institute for International Studies. In 1997, Arsenian returned to the Corporation from the Watson Institute, where she was assistant director for development and special projects.
Featured Work
MAY 1, 2018 • Podcast
The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from Twentieth-Century Statesmanship, with Bruce Jentleson
What are the qualities and conditions that enable people to become successful peacemakers? At a time when peace seems elusive and conflict endemic, Bruce Jentleson ...