Devin T. Stewart

Former Senior Fellow, Senior Program Director, and CNL Staff Adviser, Carnegie Council

It is with a heavy heart that we announce Devin Stewart passed away in March 2021.

Stewart had been living in Tokyo. He had become Opinion Editor at the Japan Times after working in recent months with the Eurasia Group Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

We will always be grateful to Devin for his many contributions to life at Carnegie Council, including his leadership of the Global Ethics Fellows, Centennial Symposia, Thought Leaders Forum, Asia Dialogues, and Carnegie New Leaders program. This list of accomplishments does not begin to register Devin’s impact on the countless people around the world who benefitted from his insight, empathy, joy, and humor.

In his honor please donate to this worthy rescue charity, Magnificat Rescue.

Featured Work

MAR 1, 2016 Podcast

Human Rights in China with Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Senior Fellow Devin Stewart speaks to scholar Jeffrey Wasserstrom, of University of California, Irvine, about the current state of Chinese media, politics, leadership, and human ...

Coiney founder and CEO Naoko Samata (R) with colleague Shinnosuke Io in Tokyo, November 2015. PHOTO: Devin Stewart

FEB 11, 2016 Article

Tokyo's Ambition Generation

Despite a host of cultural and structural difficulties, Japanese business culture is slowly becoming more welcoming to start-ups, writes Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart ...

JAN 7, 2016 Podcast

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2016

Eurasia Group's Ian Bremmer discusses the top political risks for 2016 and gives a stark warning for the year ahead. Touching on the Saudi-Iranian tensions, China's ...

NOV 9, 2015 Podcast

The Confucian Vision for a Good Society

James Hsiung gives a clear and compelling explanation of Confucius' views on harmonious human relations and how societies should be run, discussing how his thought ...

CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

NOV 5, 2015 Article

Jiyoung Song on Asia and the West: "Whose Century?"

Is this the end of the American Century, the beginning of an Asian Century, or none of the above? Is there a model for the ...

NOV 3, 2015 Podcast

Chinese Immigrant Experiences in New York City

Manhattan's Chinatown is a city within a city; it's very poorly understood by outsiders. This panel of insiders helps change that. Topics include migrant financing, ...

NOV 2, 2015 Podcast

American Century, Asian Century, or Nobody's Century?

Is the American century coming to a close, and if so, what's taking its place? Was there ever an American century to begin with? These ...

OCT 23, 2015 Podcast

Secular Ethics: Old/New Shakyamuni, Dalai Lama

In this lively, learned, and funny talk, leading U.S. expert on Tibetan Buddhism Robert Thurman riffs off the Dalai Lama's secular ethics project, laying ...

OCT 20, 2015 Podcast

Global Ethics Day: Feeding the Planet

There are roughly 2 billion people who are under-nourished and another 2 billion who are overweight or obese. In other words, about half the world's population is ...

Obama attends TPP meeting at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia, Nov. 20, 2012. CREDIT: <a href="" target="_blank">The White House</a>

OCT 14, 2015 Article

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Prospects and Challenges

After nearly five years of difficult talks, 12 Pacific Rim states have finalized the text of the TPP, a free-trade agreement that has the potential to ...