Devin T. Stewart

Former Senior Fellow, Senior Program Director, and CNL Staff Adviser, Carnegie Council

It is with a heavy heart that we announce Devin Stewart passed away in March 2021.

Stewart had been living in Tokyo. He had become Opinion Editor at the Japan Times after working in recent months with the Eurasia Group Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

We will always be grateful to Devin for his many contributions to life at Carnegie Council, including his leadership of the Global Ethics Fellows, Centennial Symposia, Thought Leaders Forum, Asia Dialogues, and Carnegie New Leaders program. This list of accomplishments does not begin to register Devin’s impact on the countless people around the world who benefitted from his insight, empathy, joy, and humor.

In his honor please donate to this worthy rescue charity, Magnificat Rescue.

Featured Work

Aung San Suu Kyi, state counsellor of Myanmar. CREDIT: <a href="">Claude TRUONG-NGOC (CC)</a>

JAN 26, 2018 Podcast

Moral Leadership Missing in Burma, with Ambassador Derek Mitchell

Former ambassador to Burma Derek Mitchell examines the complex situation there, including the roots of the ongoing Rohingya crisis and China's influence there. Aung San ...

Ian Bremmer. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

JAN 12, 2018 Podcast

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2018 with Eurasia Group's Ian Bremmer

Probably the most dangerous geopolitical environment in decades-China, AI, Trump, end of Pax Americana--yes, it's very bad. But all these challenges energize political scientist Ian ...

The Pentagon. CREDIT: <a href="">U.S. Navy/Public Domain</a>

DEC 20, 2017 Podcast

Trump's National Security Strategy, with Julianne Smith

"I would say most of the people I have talked to outside of government, including some people in Congress, have been a little taken aback," ...

ICRC and the Afghan Red Crescent Society in Faryab Province, Afghanistan, May 2006. CREDIT: <a href="">ICRC/Marcel Stoessel</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

DEC 15, 2017 Podcast

Humanitarian Ethics and the Red Cross, with Hugo Slim

"I would say that the principle of humanity, and humanity in war even, is a global ethic. We can trace it through human history," says ...

DEC 7, 2017 Podcast

Banning Nuclear Weapons with 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Winner ICAN

Did you know that 122 countries have adopted a treaty to ban nuclear weapons? The organization behind this movement is the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear ...

NOV 22, 2017 Podcast

From Charlottesville to North Korea: Filming Social Change with Josh Davis

In a wide-ranging conversation, Emmy award-winning Vice News producer Josh Davis takes Devin Stewart behind the scenes of his in-depth documentaries, from the deadly white ...

Refugee camp in Rakhine State, Myanmar/Burma, September 2013. CREDIT: <a href="">Mathias Eick, EU/ECHO</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

NOV 16, 2017 Podcast

The Rohingya Crisis: "Myanmar's Enemy Within" with Francis Wade

Francis Wade, author of "The Enemy Within," a new book on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, explains the historical background to the persecution of the ...

NOV 9, 2017 Podcast

The Rise of Duterte in the Philippines, with Richard Heydarian

Duterte is part of an arc of populism in emerging market democracies such as Turkey and India, says author Haydarian, but unlike populist movements in ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Pixabay/(CC)</a>

OCT 13, 2017 Podcast

Liberals' Lament? A Conversation between Joel Rosenthal and Devin Stewart

Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal and Senior Fellow Devin Stewart discuss the challenges to liberalism, in the United States and on the international stage, and ...

OCT 3, 2017 Podcast

Fake News and Google with Daniel Sieberg

How much of a threat is fake news to the average citizen? What is Google doing to counteract its spread? Learn more with this conversation ...