Elizabeth Oglesby teaches Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. She has more than fifteen years of experience working on issues related to Latin America, with a specific emphasis on Guatemala. Her long association with Guatemala began in the 1980s when she was a consultant to the Association for the Advancement of the Social Sciences in Guatemala City. Her work at that time included a Ford Foundation-sponsored research project on attempts to reintegrate displaced populations in four regions of the Guatemalan highlands following the counterinsurgency. The project was coordinated by Guatemalan anthropologist Myrna Mack. In the late 1990s Oglesby was invited to be a consultant to the Guatemalan Commission for Historical Clarification (Truth Commission) of the United Nations Office of Project Services in Guatemala City, serving as the assistant to the coordinator of the final report, the coordinator of historical and regional context materials, and a member of the writing team of the final report. Oglesby has been an editor of the Central America Report, a weekly bulletin of economic and political news analysis published by Inforpress Centroamericana in Guatemala City; an associate editor for the NACLA Report on the Americas, the largest circulating English-language publication of Latin American affairs; and a correspondent for Latinamerica Press, a hemispheric news service based in Lima, Peru. Her many awards and fellowships include the Women in Geography Award from the University of California, Berkeley and the Society of Women Geographers; a Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship; and an Inter-American Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. She holds a Ph.D. in geography from the University of California, Berkeley.
Featured Work
SEP 1, 2004 • Article
History Education and Reconciliation in Guatemala
Carnegie Council Fellow Elizabeth Oglesby investigates to what degree the findings of the Guatemalan Historical Clarification Commission [CEH], have been integrated into secondary school history ...