Fernando R. Tesón is Simon Eminent Scholar at Florida State University College of Law, and permanent visiting professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Law School in Buenos Aires.
He is the author of Discourse Failure: A Philosophical Essay on Deliberation, Democracy, and Consent (forthcoming), coauthored with Guido Pincione; A Philosophy of International Law (1998); and Humanitarian Intervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality (3rd ed., 2005); as well as of numerous articles, including "The Rawlsian Theory of International Law," in Ethics & International Affairs.
Featured Work
OCT 6, 2005 • Podcast
Ending Tyranny in Iraq: A Debate
Was the war in Iraq a humanitarian intervention? Yes, argues Tesón. What’s important is that it rid the world of a dictator. No, ...
OCT 6, 2005 • Transcript
Ending Tyranny in Iraq: A Debate
Was the war in Iraq a humanitarian intervention? Yes, argues Tesón. What’s important is that it rid the world of a dictator. No, ...