Francesca Rossi

Former Member, AIEI Board of Advisors; IBM

Francesca Rossi is an IBM fellow and the IBM AI Ethics Global Leader. She is an AI scientist with over 30 years of experience in AI research, on which she published more than 200 articles in top AI journals and conferences. Rossi co-leads the IBM AI ethics board and she actively participates in many global multi-stakeholder initiatives on AI ethics. She is a member of the board of directors of the Partnership on AI and the industry representative in the steering committee of the Global Partnership on AI. Rossi is a fellow of both the worldwide Association for the Advancement of of AI (AAAI) and of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI). She will be the next president of AAAI.

Featured Work

FEB 23, 2022 Podcast

Can You Code Gut Feeling? with Francesca Rossi

Dr. Francesca Rossi, the AI Ethics Global Leader for IBM, joins Senior Fellow Anja Kaspersen for a riveting "Artificial Intelligence & Equality" podcast. Rossi speaks about ...

L to R: David Roscoe, Bart Selman, Francesca Rossi, Stuart Russell, Wendell Wallach. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

DEC 7, 2018 Podcast

Control and Responsible Innovation of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence's potential for doing good and creating benefits is almost boundless, but equally there is a potential for doing great harm. This panel discusses ...