Jean-Marc Coicaud is a professor of law and global affairs, and director of the Division of Global Affairs at Rutgers University. He also serves on the advisory board of Global Policy Journal and is a member of the Carnegie Council Advisory Board of Global Policy Innovations.
Coicaud was previously head of the United Nations University (UNU) Office at the United Nations in New York. He was also senior academic officer in the Peace and Governance Programme at UNU in Tokyo from 1996 to 2003. Before joining UNU, he served in the executive office of the United Nations Secretary-General as a speechwriter for Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992–1996).A former fellow at Harvard University (Center for International Affairs, Department of Philosophy and Harvard Law School from 1986 to 1992), Coicaud's appointments include cultural attaché with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, legislative aide with the European Parliament (Financial Committee), associate professor at the University of Paris, and visiting professor at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He has also taught at the New School for Social Research. He has been a senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, and a global research Fellow at New York University School of Law.
Coicaud has published 14 books (single-authored, co-authored, and co-edited) and more than 60 chapters and articles. His books include L’introuvable démocratie autoritaire (The Thin Authoritarian Democracy), Politics and Legitimacy: A Contribution to the Study of Political Right and Political Responsibility, and Beyond the National Interest.
Featured Work

JAN 28, 2016 • Article
Values and the Ethics of International Order
At a time when U.S. primacy is in doubt, when many are concerned that China might become a global political power, when the threat ...

FEB 22, 2010 • Article
Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: The Future of Capitalism and Danger of Returning to Business as Usual
When it comes to making sense of international finance and economics, the era of so-called scientific certainties is over. To address the structural challenges the ...

JAN 24, 2008 • Transcript
Beyond the National Interest: The Future of UN Peacekeeping and Multilateralism in an Era of U.S. Primacy
Why do so many UN peacekeeping operations end in mixed results or outright failure? Reasons include the indecisiveness and bad financial management of the UN ...