Joanne J. Myers

Former Director, Public Affairs Program, Carnegie Council

Joanne Myers was director of the Carnegie Council's Public Affairs Programs (formerly Merrill House Programs). She was responsible for planning and organizing more than 50 public programs a year at the Council, many of which have been featured on C-SPAN's Booknotes.

Myers is also a columnist and advisory board member for PassBlue, an independent digital publication that covers the United Nations.

Before joining the Council, she was director of the Consular Corps/Deputy General Counsel at the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, where she acted as the liaison between the mayor of New York and the consulates general. Myers holds a JD from Benjamin C. Cardozo School of Law and a BA in international relations from the University of Minnesota.

Featured Work

Detail from book cover

NOV 7, 2016 Podcast

What is Populism?

There's a wave of populist leaders around the world right now, from Erdoğan to Trump. What defines a populist exactly, and why are they ...

Shadi Hamid. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

NOV 4, 2016 Podcast

Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle over Islam Is Reshaping the World

Many liberals hope that Islam will follow the same trajectory as Christianity and the West: a reformation and eventually secularization. But we should beware of ...

Victor D. Cha. CREDIT: Amanda Ghanooni

OCT 25, 2016 Podcast

Powerplay: The Origins of the American Alliance System in Asia

Why is there no NATO for Asia? After World War II, why did the United States opt for bilateral relationships with countries like Japan and ...

OCT 10, 2016 Podcast

The Constitution Today: Timeless Lessons for the Issues of Our Era

BC--before the Constitution--the history of the world was the history of kings, emperors, and tsars. AD--after the document--the world would never be the same again, ...

SEP 30, 2016 Podcast

Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World

In today's connected world--a "cosmopolis" dominated by the "four superpowers" Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon--what we need is to have more but also better free ...

Detail from "The Will to Lead" book cover

SEP 29, 2016 Podcast

The Will to Lead: America's Indispensable Role in the Global Fight for Freedom

"The world is on fire," says Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former secretary general of NATO and former prime minister of Denmark. He goes on to make ...

SEP 20, 2016 Podcast

Is Successful Integration Possible? Best Practices from North America and Europe

How can societies help migrants integrate into the schools, work forces, and cultures of their new communities? In a partnership with the Government of Catalonia, ...

Refugees in Greece, January 2016. CREDIT: <a href="">CAFOD Photo Library</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

SEP 14, 2016 Podcast

The UN's Peter Sutherland on the Migrant Crisis

In the run-up to the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, Joanne Myers talks with Peter Sutherland about the challenges of implementing the 1951 Refugee Convention, ...

ASEAN Headquarters, Jakarta. CREDIT: <a href=<"">Gunawan Kartapranata</a> via Wikipedia

AUG 23, 2016 Podcast

The "Living, Breathing Modern Miracle" of ASEAN

Southeast Asia is the most diverse region on Earth, says Kishore Mahbubani, yet instead of a clash of civilizations, ASEAN is bringing about a fusion ...

JUN 24, 2016 Podcast

The Needs of Refugee Women and Children in the Global Humanitarian Crisis

In this powerful talk, executive director Sarah Costa explains the work of the Women's Refugee Commission, and discusses the current crisis. The numbers are staggering: ...