Katherine Akey

Former Fellow, "The Living Legacy of the First World War"

Katherine Akey is an artist based in Washington, DC. She makes and exhibits work on polar exploration, World War I, and aviation.

She graduated from the International Center of Photography at Bard's MFA program in 2014 and holds a BA in Psycholinguistics from NYU. She also produces the U.S. World War One Centennial Podcast and chairs the Photo Department at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop.

Her work has been exhibited internationally and published in multiple artist books and online journals, including Lomography, Whattaroll and others.

Featured Work

L to R: Tanisha Fazal, Chris Capozzola, Katherine Akey, Charles Sorrie, and Seiko Mimaki. CREDIT: Billy Pickett

NOV 19, 2018 Transcript

The Living Legacy of the First World War

Five Fellows from "The Living Legacy of the First World War" project present their work. Their talks cover the history of war-induced psychological trauma and ...

French military hospital during World War I. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:H%C3%B4pital_1914-1918.jpg">Yelkrokoyade/Public Domain</a>

APR 3, 2018 Podcast

The Living Legacy of WWI: Hidden Photographic Narratives, with Katherine Akey

Katherine Akey is researching "gueules cassées," soldiers who suffered facially disfiguring injuries on WWI battlefields, focusing on those who were treated at the American ...