Keith Slack is Senior Policy Advisor for Oxfam America. His work focuses on monitoring the impacts of the oil and mining industries on poverty and economic development in developing countries.
Featured Work

NOV 21, 2008 • Article
Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Corporate Social License and Community Consent
Moving beyond "social license" to respecting the principle of consent can be an effective way for companies and communities to control risks and create mutual ...
DEC 7, 2006 • Podcast
Developing Economy Dependence on Natural Resource Trade
Keith Slack looks at the dependence on natural resource trade among developing economies and the paradox of governance as a remedy to the resource curse. ...

NOV 21, 2006 • Article
Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Putting Teeth in Corporate Social Responsibility
Keith Slack discusses how corporate social responsibility could become more effective by changing the incentives that govern corporate access to capital and markets.
APR 28, 2003 • Transcript
Drilling to Democracy--or Despotism? Conversation with Carnegie Council Fellow Keith Slack
Carnegie Fellow Keith Slack discusses Iraq using its oil wealth to sustain prosperity and democracy. But there are reasons to proceed with caution: ...