Mark Turner

Former Senior Communications Consultant, Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G)

Mark Turner (UK) was a senior communications consultant for the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G).

Turner has seen the world of international affairs from many sides, as a foreign correspondent, NGO activist, aid worker, and speechwriter.

He was the Financial Times' Africa correspondent, and later UN correspondent, with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. After leaving newspapers he moved into public interest communications, including with the advocacy group, IOM (after the Haiti earthquake), IRENA (renewable energy), UNHCR (refugees), and OCHA, as speechwriter for Valerie Amos, the UN's humanitarian aid chief. He lives in the Surrey hills of southern England, and loves games and long walks on the heath.

Featured Work

MAR 27, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: How should policymakers address the risk of climate tipping points? with Jo Tyndall

Climate tipping points are points of no return, beyond which the Earth's systems would reorganize beyond the capacity of socioeconomic and ecological systems to adapt, ...

MAR 13, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: How can companies ensure carbon dioxide removal has a positive impact? with Amy Luers

New thinking is needed to ensure high-quality nature-based carbon dioxide removal offers genuine and long-lasting benefits to the climate and biodiversity, says Microsoft's Amy Luers.

FEB 6, 2023 Podcast

C2GTalk: How will global warming impact society, both economically and socially? with Paulo Artaxo

Research on solar radiation modification is needed, especially in the Global South, to understand whether it could be an option for reducing climate risk, says ...

DEC 12, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: Why did the Saami Council oppose Harvard's SCoPEx experiment? with Åsa Larsson Blind

In 2021 the Saami Council effectively stopped Harvard University's Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), which aimed to examine the behavior of stratospheric aerosols which could potentially ...

NOV 14, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: What are the challenges facing international governance of solar radiation modification? with Marcos Regis da Silva

The fragmentation of international environmental governance creates challenges for states looking to create governance for solar radiation modification (SRM), says Dr. Marcos Regis da Silva, ...

OCT 30, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: Why is broad-based governance needed for new climate technologies? with Per Heggenes

The world needs to look at every option to stop dangerous climate change, but some potential approaches—like solar radiation modification—are undeveloped and could ...

OCT 17, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: What role might CDR and SRM play in IPCC pathways to achieve the Paris Agreement? with Roberto Schaeffer

In this "C2GTalk," host Mark Turner talks speaks with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Dr. Roberto Schaeffer about carbon dioxide removal and solar ...

SEP 26, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How can countries work together to tackle climate change? with Sunita Narain

Countries need to set aside their differences, recognize their interdependence, and negotiate as equals to tackle the climate crisis, says Sunita Narain, the director general ...

MAY 31, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: Should the world consider solar radiation modification in light of the latest IPCC findings? with Thelma Krug

More research and better governance is needed to help developing countries make decisions about solar radiation modification (SRM), says Thelma Krug, vice-chair of the Intergovernmental ...

MAY 2, 2022 Podcast

C2GTalk: How has the governance of solar radiation modification progressed in recent years? with Oliver Morton

The debate around solar radiation modification has broadened in recent years, but there has not yet been significant progress on international mechanisms to govern it, ...