Miriam London (died 2011) was a researcher in Soviet and Chinese studies. She wrote on social conditions in the Soviet Union and China.
Featured Work
FEB 1, 2011 • Article
Bread, Rice and Freedom: The Peasantry and Agriculture in the USSR and China (May/June, 1983)
This article was first published in the May/June 1983 issue of "Freedom at Issue," published by Freedom House. It includes a comparative analysis of the ...
FEB 1, 2011 • Article
China: The Romance of Realpolitik (September/October 1989)
This article (written soon after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre) confronts the failure of the "China experts" in academe to penetrate the reality of ...
!["When the dining hall is well-run, the production spirit will increase" via <a href=""> </a> [People's Commune dining hall]](
MAY 1, 1976 • Article
The Other China: Hunger Part I - The Three Red Flags of Death
Up to to 43 million people died in China's famine of 1959-61, but few knew about it until decades later. Yet the information was there. From 1965...