Nikolas K. Gvosdev

Former Carnegie Council Senior Fellow, U.S. Global Engagement Initiative (USGE); U.S. Naval War College

Nikolas K. Gvosdev was a senior fellow for the U.S. Global Engagement Initiative (USGE) at Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.

He is also a professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, the director of the Policy Analysis sub-course in the National Security Affairs Department, and the Captain Jerome E. Levy Chair in economic geography and national security.

Gvosdev was the editor of The National Interest and remains a senior editor at the magazine. In addition, he holds a non-residential senior fellowship at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He is a co-author of U.S. Foreign Policy and Defense Strategy: The Evolution of an Incidental Superpower (2015). He previously published Russian Foreign Policy: Interests, Vectors and Sectors (with Christopher Marsh) in 2013.

Gvosdev is a frequent commentator on U.S. foreign policy and international relations, Russian and Eurasian affairs, and developments in the Middle East.

Featured Work

Tehran's Azadi Tower lights in support of China against coronavirus, February 2020. CREDIT: <a href="">Amin Yari (CC)</a>

MAR 18, 2020 Podcast

The Coronavirus Pandemic & International Relations, with Nikolas Gvosdev

With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting all aspects of daily life around the world, what will be the effect on international relations? Will it increase cooperation ...

Taiwan, February 2020. CREDIT: <a href=“蔡總統視導33化學兵群_02.jpg“>Military News Agency Zhou Lihang (CC)</a>.

MAR 17, 2020 Article

Does COVID-19 Change International Relations?

Does a global pandemic change the nature of international affairs? Is it likely to foster international cooperation, or will it promote disintegrative tendencies within the ...

Health checkpoints at an airport in Milan, Italy on February 7, 2020. CREDIT: <a href=> Protezione Civile (CC)</a>.

MAR 14, 2020 Article

Peace By Poison: How the Coronavirus Could Fix Globalization Problems

How is the COVID-19 pandemic stress-testing the international system? Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev writes that the virus is accelerating a series of disintegrative processes, which ...

CREDIT: 2020 <a href=>survey of attitudes</a>, U.S. Global Engagement program. Map provided by <a href=>Pixabay (CC)</a>.

MAR 9, 2020 Article

What Do Americans Think . . .

The U.S. Global Engagement program at Carnegie Council has been conducting a survey of attitudes about U.S. foreign policy with an eye to ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Tom Arthur (CC)</a>

MAR 5, 2020 Article

Super Tuesday and the Clash of Foreign Policy Narratives

Democratic voters are now presented with a clear choice between two different foreign policy narratives and ethical considerations when it comes to U.S. engagement ...

Joe Biden in Des Moines, Iowa, August 2019. CREDIT: <a href="">Gage Skidmore</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

MAR 4, 2020 Podcast

Biden, Sanders, & Foreign Policy after Super Tuesday, with Nikolas Gvosdev

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev looks at the foreign policy discussions after Super Tuesday, with only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders left with realistic chances at ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Tvabutzku1234 (CC)</a>

FEB 11, 2020 Article

Gallagher's Proposal & Emerging Narratives

Rep. Michael Gallagher (R-WI) recently penned a "Wall Street Journal" op-ed laying out a new paradigm for U.S. foreign policy, as it relates to ...

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a rally in Philadelphia for his 2020 presidential campaign. CREDIT: <a href=>Michael Stokes (CC)</a>.

FEB 7, 2020 Article

As Biden Stalls, Is the "Restorationist" Narrative Losing Ground?

U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev notes that former Vice President Joe Biden is, in foreign policy terms, most associated with a "restorationist" ...

FEB 5, 2020 Podcast

Democratic Candidates & Foreign Policy after Iowa, with Nikolas Gvosdev

With the (incomplete) results of the Iowa Caucus putting the spotlight on Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, what do we know about their foreign policy ...

Donald Trump meets with Xi Jinping in June 2019 at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. CREDIT: <a href=>Official White House Photo/Shealah Craighead (CC)</a>.

JAN 30, 2020 Article

Hybrid Narratives and Competing with China

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev responds to the new report released by the Center for a New American Security entitled "Rising to the China Challenge: Renewing ...