Parag Khanna



Parag Khanna is founder and managing partner of FutureMap, a scenario-planning and strategic advisory firm.

He has been a fellow at Brookings Institution, New America Foundation, and the Lee Kuan Yew School at the National University of Singapore, as well as an advisor to the U.S. National Intelligence Council.

Featured Work

OCT 14, 2021 Podcast

The Doorstep: The New Age of Mass Migration, with FutureMap's Parag Khannna

Parag Khanna joins "Doorstep" co-hosts Nick Gvosdev and Tatiana Serafin to speak about his new book "MOVE: The Forces Uprooting Us" and the impact of ...

FEB 12, 2019 Podcast

The Future is Asian, with Parag Khanna

"The rise of China is not the biggest story in the world," says Parag Khanna. "The Asianization of Asia, the return of Asia, the rise ...

Detail from book cover.

APR 12, 2011 Podcast

How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance

We're living in a multi-polar, multi-civilizational world, says Parag Khanna, and the old rules no longer apply. Increasingly, states, international organizations, NGOs, and corporations must ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Takver</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

MAR 17, 2010 Podcast

Rise of the Rest III: Climate Change, Energy, and Global Governance after the Financial Crisis

This panel focuses on global governance since the financial crisis, in particular on climate change, energy security, and issues of consensus, common ethics, and trust. 

The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order

APR 28, 2008 Podcast

The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order

Americans ask, "Why do they hate us? Is this country pro or anti-American?" But what Khanna finds as he travels the world is that increasingly, ...