Raül Romeva is the Catalonian minister for foreign affairs, institutional relations, and transparency.
Previously, Romeva was a member of the European Parliament for Spain from 2004 to 2014. Before that, he was an assistant professor of international relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona from 1994 to to 2002, researcher on peace and disarmament at the UNESCO Center of Catalunya from 1994 to 1998, and campaign coordinator for disarmament and armed conflict prevention for Intermón-Oxfam from 1998 to 1999. He also served as principal aide of the UNESCO representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1995 to 1996.
His books include the novel Sayonara Sushi; Guerra, posguerra y paz: pautas para el análisis y la intervención en contextos posbélicos o postacuerdo; Bosnia en paz: lecciones, retos y oportunidades de una posguerra contemporánea; and Disarmament and Development.
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SEP 20, 2016 • Podcast
Is Successful Integration Possible? Best Practices from North America and Europe
How can societies help migrants integrate into the schools, work forces, and cultures of their new communities? In a partnership with the Government of Catalonia, ...