Reinhold Niebuhr

Protestant Theologian

Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was a Protestant theologian best known for his study of the task of relating the Christian faith to the reality of modern politics and diplomacy. He is a crucial contributor to modern just war thinking.

His books include Moral Man and Immoral Society and The Nature and Destiny of Man. Modern Library ranked the latter as one of the top 20 nonfiction books of the 20th century.

Featured Work

Tottenham Court Road, London, 1927. Via <a href="">Wikimedia</a>

JUL 15, 1974 Article

Reinhold Niebuhr's Personal Reflections on Britain, 1920s-1940s

In this piece, unpublished during his lifetime, the great theologian Reinhold Niebuhr reminisces about significant British personalities he knew well, in particular Sir Stafford Cripps, ...

Reinhold Niebuhr circa 1916

JAN 3, 1970 Article

Patriotism and Altruism: Prize-Winning Essay by Reinhold Niebuhr

As a response to World War I, in 1915-16 the Church Peace Union (now Carnegie Council) launched an innovative program of peace education in churches ...