Richard Millett

Former Fellow, "The Living Legacy of the First World War"

Richard L. Millett is a research associate of the Center for International Studies, University of Missouri-St. Louis and an adjunct professor at the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management. Millet is also vice-president of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies and Senior Partner of the Millett Group LLC.

He is the previous chair of military affairs at the Marine Corps University and has received the Perry Award for Excellence in Security and Defense Education from the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies at National Defense University. Millet has published over one hundred items, with articles appearing in Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, and The New Republic, among others.

Featured Work

L to R: Reed Bonadonna, Mary Barton, Philip Caruso, Zach Dorfman, Richard Millet at the Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands, Sept. 25, 2018. <br>CREDIT: Billy Pickett

NOV 7, 2018 Transcript

Education for Peace: The Living Legacy of the First World War

Four Fellows from Carnegie Council's "The Living Legacy of WWI" project present their research on different aspects of the war--counterterrorism, airpower, chemical warfare, and Latin ...

Pancho Villa Expedition. Column of 6th and 16th Infantry, between Corralitos Rancho and Ojo Federico, January 1917. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">C. Tuckber Beckett/U.S. Department of Defense/Public Domain</a>

MAY 15, 2018 Podcast

The Living Legacy of WWI: Forgotten Aspects of the Western Hemisphere & WWI, with Richard Millett

"Unknown to the rest of America, we had one regiment of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico which was totally integrated. The rest of the military ...