Samantha Hubner

Carnegie Ethics Fellow; Executive Office of the President of the United States

Samantha Hubner is an accomplished leader and interdisciplinary liaison operating at the intersection of international security, responsible innovation for emerging technologies; and strategy, policy, and implementation. Her career began as a linguist and cultural ambassador in the nonprofit sector, working abroad primarily in Northern Africa and Southeast Asia. Upon returning to the United States, the Big Data Revolution was reaching an inflection point. Hubner found a new niche in applying her existing skill sets to related missions in cybersecurity, data integrity, and the multifaceted challenges of ethics and scale for dual-use IOT emerging technologies. She explored these cross-cutting themes not only within the business model of an enterprise SaaS company, but also through the lens of the broader international political economy and evolving threat landscape therein.

In addition to a Masters from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, Hubner holds advanced proficiencies in Mandarin Chinese and French, as well as applied technical skill sets in spatial statistics and geospatial modeling. She is a returning guest lecturer on implications of cyber/AI in modern warfare and intelligence-gathering in the 21st century for the Fletcher School's International Security Studies Program. As an AI policy advisor within the Executive Office of the President's Office of Management and Budget, she is part of a new team dedicated to ushering in a new age of responsible federal governance, innovation, procurement, and use of artificial intelligence.

Featured Work

JUN 3, 2024 Podcast

The Intersection of AI, Ethics, & Humanity, with Wendell Wallach

In this wide-ranging discussion, Carnegie Council fellows Samantha Hubner & Wendell Wallach discuss how thinking about the history of machine ethics can inform responsible AI development.