Sanjay G. Reddy is an associate professor of economics at The New School for Social Research. His areas of work include development economics, international economics, and economics and philosophy.
Reddy possesses a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University, an M.Phil. in social anthropology from the University of Cambridge, and an A.B. in applied mathematics with physics from Harvard University.
He has held fellowships from the Center for Ethics and the Professions, the Center for Population and Development Studies at Harvard University, and the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He has conducted extensive research for development agencies and international institutions, including the G-24 (group of developing countries), ILO, Oxfam, UNDESA (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN Secretariat), UNICEF, UNDP, UNU-WIDER (World Institute for Development Economics Research), UNRISD (UN Research Institute for Social Development), and the World Bank. His research has been supported by the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Institute.
Reddy has been a member of the advisory panel of the UNDP's Human Development Report, and is presently a member of the UN Statistics Division's Steering Committee on Poverty Statistics. He has conducted fieldwork, published and presented widely, and has been or is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Development, Ethics & International Affairs, the European Journal of Development Research, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the Journal of Globalization and Development.
Featured Work
DEC 7, 2006 • Podcast
A Critical Perspective on the Natural Resource Curse
Sanjay Reddy offers a skeptical view on the association in economic literature of natural resource export dependence and low economic growth.
JUL 25, 2006 • Article
The False Dilemma of the Sweatshop
Poorer countries can avoid a trade-off between enhancing labour standards and taking full advantage of job-creating production and trading opportunities if current international trade rules ...
APR 5, 2006 • Podcast
International Trade: What Does Justice Demand?
On April 5, 2006, the Carnegie Council’s Global Social Justice program brought together five distinguished panelists and asked them to give their views on the question ...
MAR 31, 2006 • Article
Promoting Poorer Countries' Interests
The WTO's celebrated rule-based system can be used to promote labour standards in a manner that does not penalise developing countries that improve the lot ...
NOV 18, 2002 • Article
Monitoring Global Poverty: Better Options for the Future
How many poor people are there in the world? Are their numbers increasing or decreasing? Professor Sanjay Reddy argues that the answers ...
AUG 16, 2002 • Article
Unknown: The Extent, Distribution, and Trend of Global Income Poverty (PDF)
The method that the World Bank uses to calculate severe income poverty--its global extent, distribution in space, and trend over time--is seriously flawed, according to ...