Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering is a retired U.S. ambassador. During a four decade-long career in the U.S. Foreign Service, he served as ambassador to Russia, India, the United Nations, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan.
Pickering holds the title of Career Ambassador, the highest distinction in the Foreign Service.
From 1997 to 2001, Pickering served as under secretary of state for political affairs. He then became senior vice president for international relations at Boeing until 2006. Currently, he is co-chair of the International Crisis Group, chairman of the American Academy of Diplomacy, and a member of the board of advisors of the Global Panel Foundation.
Pickering also serves on the board of directors for the American Iranian Council and the Henry L. Stimson Center, and he holds advisory positions with several other organizations.
Featured Work

MAR 19, 2012 • Podcast
Iran: A Diplomatic Solution
In this knowledgeable and detailed talk, Ambassador Pickering cuts through the current hysteria about Iran, stressing that we still have time for diplomacy. In fact ...

JUL 10, 2009 • Podcast
Russia and U.S.-Russia Relations: David Speedie Interviews Ambassador Thomas Pickering
Ambassador Thomas Pickering discusses Russia's role in the unfolding events in Iran and other potential areas of cooperation between Russia and the United States, including ...
JUL 6, 2009 • Podcast
U.S.-Iran Relations After the Iranian Election
How should the United States proceed in its relations with Iran during this turbulent time—and beyond? Should we launch direct, high-level talks between a ...