Tim Lobstein is the director of Policy at the World Obesity Federation.
He is also adjunct professor of Public Health Advocacy, at Curtin University, Western Australia, and he previously was a visiting fellow at the Rudd Center, Yale Univesity.
He is the author of the highly-cited scientific report ""Obesity in children and young people: A crisis in public health"" (Obesity Reviews 5(S1) 2004), co-author of the European Commission-published reports ""Status report on the European Commission’s work in the field of nutrition in Europe 2002"" and ""Obesity and socio-economic groups in Europe: Evidence review and implications for action,"" 2007, and author of several scientific papers on marketing of food and beverages to children.
Dr Lobstein is a Workpackage Leader for two current EU-funded FP7 research projects, and has been Workpackage Leader for four other EU-funded projects, and principal investigator for two further EU-funded projects. Dr Lobstein has produced consultancy reports for the World Health Organization’s European, Middle East and Geneva HQ offices. He has written several chapters for standard textbooks on obesity in childhood and obesity prevention.
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OCT 13, 2015 • Article
Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: How Much More Processed Food Can We Eat?
Food policies for the 21st century will be about the purpose of markets and the need to hold marketers to account for their activities.