William C. Vocke

Executive Director, Taiwan Fulbright Foundation; Global Ethics Fellow Alumnus and Former Carnegie Council Staff


William C. Vocke Jr. is executive director of the Taiwan Fulbright Foundation.

From April 2008-February 2011, he was a Carnegie Council senior program director and an executive producer for the Carnegie Ethics Studio.

Vocke is a lifelong proponent of international education. From 2004-2008, he was a full-time professor in the Department of Diplomacy at National Chengchi University, and taught at Taiwan's Foreign Service Institute and National Taiwan University. During this period, he also served on the board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, and on the FSE board.

Vocke was a professor and director of the Institute of World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and also taught at SUNY Geneseo, Juniata College, and on sabbatical in Germany, France and South Carolina. He has served as the national president of the World Affairs Councils of America, President of the World Affairs Council of Greater Cincinnati and Executive Director of the World Affairs Council in Milwaukee.

Featured Work

MAR 8, 2011 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Political Scientist Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Joseph Nye discusses the sources of his ideas, his major concepts such as soft power, the impact of these concepts, and his thoughts on the ...

JAN 18, 2011 Podcast

Ethics Matter: Chris Brown, LSE Professor of International Relations

Chris Brown reveals the roots of his current thinking, and discusses his views on Marxism, human rights, humanitarian intervention, direct versus representational democracy, and cosmopolitanism ...

JUL 27, 2010 Podcast

Taiwan: Building Partnerships for Asia-Pacific Economic Integration

Since 2008, Taiwan has quietly pursued new political and economic initiatives with China, and the likelihood of conflict across the Taiwan Strait has diminished. What are ...

JUL 16, 2010 Podcast

Global Ethics Corner: Who Dies in Afghanistan: Soldiers, Civilians, or the Mission?

How do you choose missions to fight a war effectively, while minimizing civilian deaths and meeting the obligation to your soldiers?

MAY 10, 2010 Podcast

Open Primaries: William Vocke Interviews Abel Maldonado, Lieutenant Governor of California

Under the current system, California has a deadlocked, polarized legislature that can't get anything done, says Lt. Gov. Maldonado. The solution is to create an ...

JUL 1, 2009 Podcast

Pillars of Ethics

Carnegie Council president Joel Rosenthal discusses three pillars of ethics--pluralism, rights and responsibilities, and fairness--with Council staff members Madeleine Lynn and William Vocke.

MAY 26, 2009 Podcast

Forced to Labor: The Cost of Coercion

The Carnegie Council and the International Labour Organization (ILO) present a unique look at modern slavery from the personal, policy, and enforcement perspectives, to shed ...

MAY 26, 2009 Podcast

The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World

Michelle Goldberg exposes the global war on women's reproductive rights and its disastrous and unreported consequences for the future of global development.

MAY 1, 2009 Podcast

A Special Appeal from Senior Fellow William Vocke

Last year we filmed over 70 events and made them freely available in various formats on our website, on iTunes, and on YouTube. But reaching out ...

The Chess Board 1<br>Photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tree12/2109679297/in/set-72157603451878764" target=_ blank">tree12</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/deed.en" target=_blank>CC</a>).

SEP 25, 2008 Article

Public Diplomacy and the 2008 Election

Hidden in the U.S. presidential election is the promise of a renewed emphasis on public diplomacy. But how will America renew a lost love ...