Yi Zeng

Former Member, AIEI Board of Advisors; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yi Zeng is a professor at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, serving as deputy director of Research Center of Brain-inspired Intelligence, and co-director of China-UK Research Centre for AI Ethics and Governance.

He is the founding director of Research Center for AI Ethics and Sustainable Development at Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence. He is also a chief scientist in AI ethics and governance at Institute of AI International Governance, Tsinghua University. Zeng serves as a board member for the National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, an expert in the UNESCO Ad-hoc Expert Group in AI Ethics, and an expert in the Expert Group of AI Ethics and Governance in Health, World Health Organization (WHO).

For brain-inspired artificial intelligence, Zeng leads the effort on brain-inspired cognitive engine, a brain-inspired spiking neural network architecture towards artificial general intelligence. For AI ethics and governance, Zeng leads the effort on drafting and grounding Beijing AI Principles, AI for Children: Beijing Principles, and is one of the main drafters of the National Governance Principles for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence. He is the principal investigator for Linking AI Principles, AI Governance Online, and AI for SDGs Think Tank.

Featured Work

APR 19, 2021 Podcast

ICGAI: Meaningful Inclusivity in Governing the AI Revolution

Don't miss Session 2 of the International Congress for the Governance of Artificial Intelligence (ICGAI) online speaker series! This event focused on "Meaningful Inclusivity in Governing ...