Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) was national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1981 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role in the normalization of U.S.-China relations and for his contributions to the human rights and national security policies of the United States.
In presidential campaigns, Brzezinski served as chairman of the Humphrey Foreign Policy Task Force in 1968; as principal foreign policy advisor to Jimmy Carter in 1976; and as co-chairman of the Bush National Security Task Force in 1988. He has been on the faculty of Harvard and Columbia Universities, and is the author of many articles and books.
Featured Work

MAR 25, 2004 • Podcast
The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership
To prevail in the war on terrorism and other looming geo-strategic crises, says Brzezinski, America needs serious allies, not just "coalitions of the willing."

MAY 26, 1995 • Article
Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): The New Dimensions of Human Rights
"The interface between ethics and science will hence be the new frontier of politics—the third new dimension of human rights," warns Zbigniew Brzezinski in ...