FEB 2, 2022 • page
Why and How did the UK Privatize State-Owned Industries during the 1980s?
Why and how did the UK privatize state-owned industries during the 1980s? A 1991 report from Carnegie Council gives students a clear explanation. This activity works ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
Illiberal Democracy and the Middle East (Worksheet)
Excerpts concerning illiberal democracies in the post-Arab Spring world and discussion questions regarding representative governments in conservative societies. This activity works well in a comparative ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
How Does Oil Help Determine the Democratic Nature of a State? (Worksheet)
Most oil-producing countries have had significant economic growth and rising living standards, yet with a few exceptions, there has been almost no move towards democracy. ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
Does Immigration Challenge National Sovereignty? (Worksheet)
What is sovereignty? How does the concept change when related to a state versus a nation? How are contemporary issues such as the Syrian refugee ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
Why is the Resource Curse an Obstacle to National Prosperity? (Worksheet)
Why is the resource curse an obstacle to national prosperity? Author Leif Wenar looks at three underlying reasons and gives examples of lost opportunity in ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
How Should the United States Address Authoritarian States in the post-Arab Spring World? (worksheet)
This worksheet explores how the U.S. should address authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa after the Arab Spring. Students will come to ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
Working within Nigeria's Sharia Courts (Worksheet)
Since the end of military rule in 1999, some of Nigeria's states have extended Sharia laws to criminal matters. How did this system of law enter ...
FEB 2, 2022 • page
Nigeria and the Horror of Boko Haram (Worksheet)
What is Boko Haram and how did it originate? How did it turn into a violent movement? Why is it in Nigeria and who is ...